Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Giant, Huge, Mammoth, Big-oted

According to the news, mammoths could walk this earth again in as little as 4 years thanks to advances in cloning. That's quite awesome when you think of how far technology has come, but at the same time it's quite scary when you think of how far thinking has NOT come.

What i'm trying to say is....

If fucking mammoths come back to life before gay marriage is made legal, im gonna be so pissed.

10 out of 10 mammoths agree.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Stickers on Cars

Today I was driving behind a family of six. Normally I wouldn't know that, but thanks to the frightening stickers all over their back window, I also knew that they had a cat.

They were all riding together at the same time because I assume that’s what families with family stickers do.

So the first thing that crossed my mind was that creepers are loving this new craze. Now they know who to follow home! And thanks to your way-too-much-information handy headcount, they also know their odds of successfully kidnapping one of your children.

My second thought was, why? I am very happy that you are living the American Dream and that you are unknowingly causing overpopulation, but there’s no need to advertise it. Plus, if your family looks anything like the stickers, that’s awful—maybe it’s time for a new family.

...I don't know. I guess my real problem is that I’m bitter and angry...It hurts to know that if I drove around with stickers of my future family, no one would understand.

....But this is my American Dream.

And although it might not include a husband and children standing in perfect order by height, at least I know there would be zero creepers following me home.

Dog Pyramids forever.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Scrabble Brain

I have this problem where I constantly shuffle letters in words to make other words. It's like my brain is stuck in Scrabble mode.
"Smile. You never know who may be falling in love with it…"
…or your ability to rearrange letters like an autistic person.

The Nonconforming Conformist

Kicking Cones

Hello, my name is Katrina and i like to write and draw. 

For 24 years now, i've been collecting a million different words, pictures, ideas, photographs, and sketches inspired by the world around me. However, i hid them for fear that everything coming out of my brain was far too brilliant. I couldn't let the world know i was a complete and utter genius.

My change of heart began when i was supposed to be raptured into the sky a few months ago and i wasn't (boo, Jesus!). I decided i needed to re-prioritize my life.

It's hard holding a milkshake for 24 years and not having a yard to bring the girls and boys to. That's why i'm making this art blog--consider it my yard. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my collection, and please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments!